Week 5: Loss

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I’ve contemplated on how I wanted to write about this every since Wednesday and I still don’t know what I want to say or how I would even say it. Though it would be best to just say it:

On Wednesday, I found out a dear friend of mine had passed away last Sunday.

At the request of the spouse of said friend, I’m not going to divulge into details regarding the situation.

I was devastated, obviously. I still find it hard to believe that they’re just… gone. It’s been on my mind all week.

I’m doing a little better now, but that also makes me worried. I feel like I should still be feeling overwhelmed with sadness however alas, I am able to write about it as though it’s already history.

When the time is right, I will definitely write a post talking about said friend. I will write about what a great person they were, how thoughtful they were, and how full of life they were until the very end. That is how I will immortalize and honor my friend.

Over the weekend, I visited my parents. Thought it’d be nice to see them since it had been a while.  What I didn’t expect to happen was to be faced with an actual visual representation of time passing. My parent’s dog, Seung-gi, has grown so much since the last time I’ve seen him.

It’s already been a month since the year started but it feels like it went by so fast and yet so slow at the same time.

Sorry for the lackluster post. I promise the next post will be of better quality.

4 Replies to “Week 5: Loss”

  1. Hello old stranger. I think its been nearly a decade since I spoke with you?

    Time flies, I’d ask how you were doing, but from this not as well as I would have hoped. There’s old Jewish saying, grieve not for that I am gone, but rather rejoice for that I was. Its worth celebrating a dear friend’s life as much as grieve them. I find that in life at its most important turning points, there’s always someone there that seemingly just guides you to your next stage.

    My condolences for your lost friend. Cute dog there, too.

    1. Serated? Is that you? I hope I remember correctly!
      If that’s the case, then yes, it has certainly been quite some time since we last spoke. I’m glad you found me!

      Well, yes, the week has been rough, trying to come to terms with what has happened. I’m doing much better now and I hope everyone else, including my friend’s loved ones, are doing better too. But yes, we’ve been in a private group sharing some pictures to help us celebrate the man my friend was. It has helped us all a lot. I do like that Jewish saying though, I’ll have to keep that. I would agree with your last statement too — I hope my friend will be as much of a guiding hand to others as much as he will be for me.

      Thank you though. I appreciate you coming here and leaving a comment! Hope to chat with you more again in the future

      1. Indeed. I kind of ‘died’ off the face of the internet for a few years. There’s a reason for that and you wont believe where I am now.

        People are amazing. There’s always somebody you’ll encounter at random that are kind of pivotal in your stages of life. Speaking of, I should probably email my previous random person who got me to where I am now! Time is precious, dont waste it, I’ve found in my most recent travels that…. hm.. how can I explain this. Lets say I am approaching myself by asking what the most ideal person I could be is. And the following up with, well why dont you just be that person? Its kind of corny and childish, but it has value.

        I’m not around is much as I used to be, I chat with a few people on Discord, but I have no social presence. My goal for this year is to reestablish some level of social ability.

        I will say you have a great goal by doing this kind of blog entry weekly. Use it to orient yourself and spiral yourself upwards.

        1. Ah, I see. Well it doesn’t help that contact between you and me was limited to just MSN Messenger, Skype, and Anime Forum.

          Well people CAN be amazing. The hard part is to find them and then learning how to keep them. And yes, time stops for no one and is fleeting in nature.
          It sounds like you’re on the path of personal growth and that’s good to hear! It’s important to keep one’s self in check and it sounds like that’s exactly what you’re trying to do. I wish you luck in your endeavor!

          Hey, feel free to add me on Discord. It’s Balance#3440. I’ll be more than happy to have you around again. Definitely have a lot to catch up on!

          And thank you! These weekly entries won’t exactly help me that much, but it is propelling me to start coming up with other ideas on what to write. I’ve just been stalled due to getting myself busy with other ideas (which is still entirely my own fault). But still, thank you! I intend to use it to spiral myself upwards!

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