Audio Blog: Family

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I did this one without a script. I’m too lazy to really type out the script so… enjoy.

Songs Used
  •  ともしび「Little Busters! OST Disc 2」
  • 伝えられないメッセージ「Little Busters! OST Disc 2」
  • たったひとつの魔法の言葉「Little Busters! OST Disc 2」

0 Replies to “Audio Blog: Family”

  1. Once again, it is nice to see you make another audio blog. As much as I try to write from the heart, hearing one’s voice simply makes words pale in comparison. I appreciate hearing the emotion and tone in your voice– thank you.

    While I would not like to go into detail, I recently rediscovered the importance of family. (Not that I ever considered it not important.) The personalities in my family are such that we both pretty much do our own thing: we eat separately, my brother and I live upstairs, my parents do their thing downstairs. We enjoy each others’ company for sure but we just have our own separate routines without too much overlap in terms of interests. When we do “sit down,” especially when we go out to eat, we have a great time (and my dad usually launches into some college-day memory with a lesson at the end). As I have expressed before in one of my posts, I do optimistically look forward to the days when both I and my brother are at college, when we will go home for the holidays. There is nothing like COMING HOME after being away for so long.

    As for appreciation, I certainly hope that I show how much I appreciate them… I always call on Mother’s and Father’s day, remember birthdays (which my dad has been guilty of forgetting!), and stay in touch. I do also admit that I am bad at sharing my feelings outside of writing and sometimes don’t show the full extent of my appreciation. I am pretty sure though that they know; I remember giving a choked “thankyou” after my parents were leaving for home after my hospitalization, having hardly believed (albeit foolishly) that they had taken the trouble to visit me. Indeed, they visited, cooked, and cleaned for me.

    I always feel like they know/feel more than they let on… As I grow older, my dad especially feels more comfortable sharing certain truths, such as how sad both he and my mother will be when all of their children have gone to college.

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